We are excited to share the wonderful news that we have a site and date for the next conference of the International Network on Digital Labor (INDL-7): it will take place on 28-30 October 2024 in Santiago, Chile. Please save the dates and get ready for the call for papers, that will soon be published.
We are extremely grateful to the main local organiser, Antonio Stecher Guzmán, who in collaboration with Francisca Gutiérrez Crocco, Alvaro Soto Roy, and Mariana Bargsted Aravena is making this possible. Thanks also to Juana Torres Cierpe for facilitating the crucial first steps toward this initiative.

This conference is a fantastic step forward in the effort to make the ‘International Network on Digital Labor’ truly ‘International’. We hope that having an edition of the conference in South America will attract many participants from the region, who would not normally travel to conferences in Europe or North America.
More details and an official call for papers will follow in March. For now, please note that the conference will be in two languages, Spanish and English, with simultaneous translation of one plenary session a day.