5th INDL Conference: Features and Futures of Digital Labor
3-5 November 2022
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Central Building, 30 Panepistimiou St.
(Metro line M2, station *Panepistimio* Πανεπιστήμιο)
DAY 1 - NOVEMBER 3, 2022
9:30–10:30 | Conference Opening | |
10:30–11:30 | Keynote 1 – Paola Tubaro, CNRS, Paris, France “Inequalities in digital labour” Chair: Eleni Rethimiotaki |
11:30–12:00 | Coffee break | |
12:00–13:00 | Session 1A : Working in private and public spaces Chair: Valia Aranitou | |
Nicholas Giannakopoulos (University of Patras, GR), Konstantinos Pouliakas (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, GR) “Working from home in Greece during the Covid-19 pandemic” | ||
Adem Yesilyurt (EHESS, FR) “Respatialization of Work in Digital Capitalism: Changing subjectivities at coworking spaces” | ||
Yiorgos Ioannidis (Panteion University, GR) “Income inequalities of remote workers in Greece” | ||
13:00–14:00 | Lunch break | |
14:00–16:00 | Session 2A : Gender and affective labor Chair: Lina Chordaki | Session 2B : Organizing digital labor Chair: Iraklis Vogiatzis |
Nelli Kambouri (Panteion University, GR) “Hybridity, affect and feminised labour in Airbnb” | Enda Brophy, Seamus Bright Grayer (Simon Fraser University, CA) “Worker Inquiry and Wall-to-Wall Organizing at Google” |
Al James (University of Newcastle, UK) “Gendered Digital Labour and Platform Inequalities: Feminising Platforms?” | Ernesto Noronha, Premilla D’Cruz (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, IN) “Struggling to organise: The case of food app workers in India” |
Nicole Sarla (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR “Affective labour on social media and affective phenomena as commodites” | Athina Karatzogianni (University of Leicester, UK) “Dead Labour and Nonhuman Networks: The Problem of Social Movement Workers” |
Vaughn Hamilton (Max Planck Institute, DE) “Digital Sex Work in Covid: OnlyFans, Phone Sex and the Virtual Girlfriend Experience” | Adrienne Williams (DAIR Institute, USA) “Surveillance Nation: The True cost of Amazon’s Customer Obsession” |
Erika Kazani (Attorney at Law, GR) “Legal transformations of gender issues in the digital world of work within international and EU law; the differentiating value of a digital labour environment” | Αlexandros Μinotakis, Paris Laftsis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR) “Fight Against Platform Capitalism: The Case of e-food Workers” |
Chloé Lebas (Université de Lille, FR) “Mobilization under digital labor: a renewal for collective action? Comparing videogames developers and riders collective action in France” |
16:00–16:30 | Coffee break | |
16:30–17:30 | Keynote 2 – Antonio Aloisi, IE Law School, Madrid, Spain “Regulating Algorithmic Management at Work in the European Union” Chair: Antonio Casilli |
DAY 2 - NOVEMBER 4, 2022
9:30 – 11:30 | Session 3A : Panel – Platform work, precarity and social struggles Chair: Uma Rani | Session 3B : Artificial Intelligence Chair: Francesco Bonifacio |
Dimitris Parsanoglou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR, Aggeliki Yfanti (Public Employment Service, GR) “‘We wouldn’t have made it without you’: (self)organisation of platform workers and social solidarity in Greece” | Theodora Kotsaka (Ena Institute, GR) “Dignity of labour & technology: Is there a singularity of AI?” |
Bronwyn Frey (University of Toronto, CA) “Permanently beta: The minimum viability of app-based courier management” | Barbara Surdykowska, Sławomir Adamczyk (Solidarnosc, PL) “Cybernetic human enhancement in the context of the work environment” |
Moritz Altenried (Humboldt-Universität, DE) “Platforms and Migrant Labour: Control, Contingency, Resistance” | Sam Hind, Max Kanderske (University of Siegen, DE), Fernando van der Vlist (Utrecht University,NL) “Taking up the challenge: How machine vision ‘challenges’ structure AI work” |
Bernd Kasparek (Humboldt-Universität, DE) “From Fastest Unicorn to Quickest Strike – Banal Digitalisation, Agile Organising and a Mobile, Global Working Class” | Assia Wirth (Paris Saclay University, FR) “Facial datasets as sites of knowledge production: examining the (im)possibility of knowing faces” |
11-30 – 12:00 | Coffee break | |
12:00 – 13:00 | Keynote 3 – Valia Aranitou, Department of Sociology NKUA, Greece “‘Surveillance’ as a means of business growth” Chair: Dimitris Parsanoglou |
13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch break | |
14:00 – 16:00 | Session 4A : Digital dispossession Chair: Clément Le Ludec | Session 4B : Global Souths Chair: Dimitris Karydas |
Marco Marrone (Università del Salento, IT), Federico Chicchi (Università di Bologna, IT) “The dark side of platform. Works, skills and exploitation in the platform society” | Nikos Smyrnaios (University of Toulouse, FR) “Science for sale under neoliberalism: work in ‘paper mills’ as digital labor” |
Dimitrios Koulos (Technical University of Crete, GR) “Labour ahead of ‘Interesting Times’: Digital labour, creativity, and capital in the light of the contradiction of productive forces and relations of production” | Juana-Luisa Torres-Cierpe (Paris Saclay University, FR) “Digital labour and workers’ agency: the case of Venezuela” |
Marianna Charitonidou (Athens School of Fine Arts, GR) “Digital labour theory of value and architectural drawings as part of commodity fetishism” | Kianoosh Yasaei (University Paris 8, FR) “Platorm workers in Iran in the service of transnational platform capitalism” |
Dionysios Tzarellas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR) “Digital work and surveillance” | ||
Aishik Saha (Jadavpur University, IN) “‘Smart’ Capital and the Spectre of Digital Dispossession: A Critical Enquiry into the Datafication of Accumulation by Dispossession” | ||
16:00 – 16:30 | Coffee break | |
16:30 – 17:30 | Keynote 4 – Uma Rani, ILO, Geneva, Switzerland “Platformisation in developing countries: Informality, precarity and inequality” Chair: Manolis Patiniotis |
DAY 3 - NOVEMBER 5, 2022
9:30 – 11:30 | Session 5A : Regulations and policy Chair: Maxime Cornet | Session 5B : Occupations and careers Chair: Athina Karatzogianni |
Barbara De Micheli, Sofia Gualandi (Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, IT) “Don’t GIG Up! & Don’t GIG Up, Never! EU Projects: protecting workers and enhancing industrial relations in digital labour” | Diana Enriquez (Princeton University, US) “From precarity to flexibility: high-skill, technical workers temporary work strategies and their effects on income” |
Katarzyna Cieslik, Mariette McCampbell (Durham University, UK) “Platformization of Rural Africa: Dependency, Dispossession and Data in the ‘Sharing Economy’” | Aube Richebourg (École des hautes études en sciences sociales, FR) “’They killed our baby’, professional and activist paths of the vanguardist technicians facing digital capitalism in Western Europe” |
Francesco Bonifacio, Cecilia Manzo, Ivana Pais (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, IT) “Platform as an institutional logic: the case of welfare platforms” | Alessandro Gandini, Gaia Casagrande, Gianmarco Peterlongo (University of Milan, IT) “Neo-craft work: a peculiar case of platformised labour” |
Muhammad Asif (HR & IR Professional, Social Activist, PK), Summiya Zahidi (Academy of Labour & Employment Relations, PK) “Labour Regulations and Gig Workers in Pakistan” | Elina Roinioti (Panteion University, GR) “Between art and business: Game developers and digital labour” |
Natalia-Rozalia Avlona (University of Copenhagen, DK) “Un-working data in the data-driven health care market: Seeking routes to trace data as a concept and as a practice” | Estrella Gómez Herrera (University of Balearic Islands, ES), Ulrich Laitenberger (Telecom Paris | Polytechnic Institute of Paris, FR), Frank Muller-Langer (University of the Bundeswehr, Munich, DE) “Do online workers pass-on platform fees to employers? Empirical evidence from more than 3.3 million bids” |
Greig de Peuter (Wilfrid Laurier University, CA) “Co-operatives, Work, and the Digital Economy” | Gemma Newlands, Christoph Lutz (BI Norwegian Business School, NO) “Mapping the Prestige and Social Value of Occupations in the Digital Economy” |
11-30 – 12:00 | Coffee break | |
12:00 – 13:00 | Keynote 5 – Otto Kässi, ETLA, Helsinki, Finland “Incentives and information – implications for platform labour regulation and worker organisation” Chair: Milagros Miceli |
13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch break | |
14:00 – 16:00 | Session 6A : Crowdwork Chair: Paola Tubaro | Session 6B : Rethinking Platforms Chair: Juana Torres-Cierpe |
Maxime Cornet, Clément Le Ludec (Telecom Paris | Polytechnic Institute of Paris, FR) “How artificial intelligence production chain reproduce long term pattern of inequalities towards Global South workers?” | Aljoša Polajžar (University of Maribor, SI) “Collective labour rights of platform workers – negotiating the algorithm and protection of privacy at work” |
Leonard Ecker (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg, DE), Martin Krzywdzinski, Christine Gerber (WZB Berlin Social Science Center, DE) “Communication but where and who? Peer-topeer interactions on Crowdwork platforms” | Christos Krystallis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR) “A brief history of algorithmic management” |
Iraklis-Alexandros Vogiatzis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR) “Microtasking and algorithmic management: new tendencies in the organization of labor and the science behind them” | Vangelis Papadimitropoulos (Panteion University, GR) “Labour in the Digital Age: From Platform to Open Cooperativism” |
Tianling Yang (Technische Universität Berlin, DE) “Community building as both worker control and empowerment: An autoethnographic investigation in a Chinese crowdsourcing platform” | Mathilde Abel, Patrick Dieuaide (Sorbonne Nouvelle University Paris III, FR) “Riding with Uber: the drivers’ perspective on the Uber multi-sided market convention” |
Sonam Jindal (Partnership on AI, US) “Towards Reframing the Value Generated by Data Enrichment Workers” | Francesco Bonifacio (Università Cattolica di Milano, IT) “Decentering algorithms, exploring microconflicts at work: an ethnography of riders work” |
Annika Becker (University Duisburg-Essen, DE), Frank Kleemann (University Duisburg-Essen, DE) ““Pay + X” – crowdworking between gainful employment and meaningful activity” | ||
16:00 – 16:30 | Conference Closure |